The Fulfilling Virtue of Boredom If you require the lights, Then I am obscure. If you seek people, Then I am nobody. If you tolerate noise, Then I am silent. If you attend the best parties, Then I am a loner. If you travel places, Then I am thinking. If you want to run, Then I am a slow walker. If you dream to ascend mount Everest, Then I am unadventurous. If you want to earn load of money, Then I am broke. If you are interesting, Then I am definitely boring. If you are happy, Then I am no clown. If you are shining, Then I wish for no tan. If you are beautiful, Then I am ugly. If you think you are exceptional, Then I am a cactus. If you wish to be somebody, Then I am just a stranger. And if all your roads lead to Rome, Then only one path leads to me. And if you pretend to be Achilles, Then I am just the turtle...